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Underage Drinking

For more than two decades, the people of the United States have benefited from a uniform minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) of 21.

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Marijuana Drug

Marijuana is the most widely abused illicit drug in the country, far outpacing any other illicitly used substance, including prescription pain killers.

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Opioids Drug

Opioids are medications that relieve pain. They reduce the intensity of pain signals reaching the brain and affect those brain areas controlling emotion, which diminishes the effects of a painful stimulus.

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Flakka Drug

Flakka is the use of a dangerous synthetic cathinone drug called alpha-pyrrolidinopentiophenone (alpha-PVP), popularly known as “Flakka,”

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Coalition Survey and Statistics

Survey results from approximately 800 youth in 2016/2017 revealed community norms favorable toward youth substance use, a laissez-faire attitude or ignorance toward use/abuse that are deeply engrained within the fabric of the community, and a high concentration of children living in households with an incarcerated parent/caregiver leading to a lack of positive parental/caregiver bonding. A common risk factor among youth in gun violence is early parental abandonment, which contributes to increased rates of crime.

The chart below reflects some of the results:

PAST 30-DAY USE (In the Past 30 Days have you used on one or more occasions)
Grade Alcohol Tobacco Marijuana Prescription Drugs
% # % # % # % #
5th Grade 9.5 116 6.9 116 5.3 114 7.0 114
Middle School 9.5 116 6.9 116 5.3 114 7.0 114
10th Grade 35.8 134 23.7 135 28.7 136 22.6 137
11th Grade 32.6 316 15.8 316 30.1 316 18.7 315
High School 31.4 692 16.1 688 27.1 690 18.6 692
PERCEPTION OF PEER DISAPPROVAL (How wrong do your friends feel it would be for you to use?)
Grade Alcohol Tobacco Marijuana Prescription Drugs
% # % # % # % #
5th Grade 89.6 115 90.4 114 87.5 112 85.7 112
Middle School 89.6 115 90.4 114 87.5 112 85.7 112
9th Grade 66.5 239 75.9 237 60.5 238 71.2 236
10th Grade 68.4 136 77.2 136 60.3 136 69.2 133
11th Grade 65.6 314 80.1 311 54.7 311 75.9 311
High School 66.5 689 78.1 684 57.8 685 72.9 680
PERCEPTION OF PARENT DISAPPROVAL – How wrong do your parents feel it would be for you to use?
5th Grade 91.4 116 94.0 116 91.4 116 91.4 116
Middle School 91.4 116 94.0 116 91.4 116 91.4 116
9th Grade 83.8 235 88.6 237 82.8 239 85.6 236
10th Grade 80.0 135 83.2 137 74.8 135 78.5 135
11th Grade 80.7 316 85.4 315 76.5 315 80.8 313
High School 81.6 686 86.1 689 78.4 689 82.0 684
PERCEPTION OF RISK – How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they use it?
Grade Regular Binge Drinking Heavy/Regular Cigarette Use Regular Marijuana Use Non-Prescribed Prescription Drug Use Regular Alcohol Use
% # % # % # % # % #
5th Grade 37.1 116 39.8 118 33.1 118 37.9 116 37.6 117
Middle School 37.1 116 39.8 118 33.1 118 37.9 116 37.6 117
9th Grade 59.4 239 66.7 240 42.4 238 63.8 240 60.5 238
10th Grade 49.3 138 56.1 139 39.4 137 54.5 134 49.6 135
11th Grade 54.9 319 60.6 317 36.2 315 67.5 314 58.7 317
High School 55.3 696 61.8 689 39.0 690 63.7 688 57.5 690



2016/17 (71h) How likely is it that one of your neighbors would do something if: If there was a fight in front of your house and someone was being beaten or threatened?

2020 (125d) If you witnessed a crime in your community, how likely would you be to ignore it?

2022 (96) If there was a fight in front of your house and someone was being beaten or threatened, how likely is it that your neighbors would break it up?

2016/2017 Total # 2020 Total # 2022 Total #
Response # % Response # % Response # %
Very Likely 556 23.1% Very Likely 13 26.5% Very Likely 25 30.86%
Likely 14 13.5% Somewhat Likely 9 18.4% Unlikely 17 20.99%
Neither likely nor unlikely 9 8.7% Somewhat Unlikely 7 14.3% Neither likely nor unlikely 11 13.58%
Unlikely 8 7.7% Very unlikely 20 40.8% Likely 15 18.52%
Very unlikely 49 47% Very Likely 13 16.05%
147 100% 49 100% 81 100%

Family Related Data


Question: 46D – 2016/2017 How often do you see either of your parents resolve conflict with other people by using a weapon (like a gun or knife) to threaten or hurt the other person?

Question: 118D – 2019/2020 How often do you see either of your parents resolve conflict with other people by using a weapon to threaten or hurt the other person?

Question: 107 – 2022 If someone tried to start a fight with you, how likely is it that either of your parents would encourage you to use a weapon (like a gun or knife) to threaten or hurt the other person?

2016/2017 Total # 2020 Total # 2022 Total #
Response # % Response # % Response # %
Never 556 72.8% Never or almost never 23 46.9% Definitely Not 59 72.84%
Rarely 66 8.6% Probably Not 14 17.28%
Sometimes 75 9.8% Sometimes 14 28.6% Probably Would 4 4.94%
Often 32 4.2% Often 3 6.1% Definitely Would 4 4.94%
Almost Always 35 4.6% All the time 9 18.4%
764 100% 49 100% 81 100%


Question: 53D – 2016/2017 – How often do you see other important adults in your life resolve conflict with other people by using a weapon (like a gun or knife) to threaten or hurt the other person.

Question 105 – 2019/2020 – In which of the following situations would either of your parents feel it is okay for you to use a weapon (like a knife or gun) to hurt another person?

Question 105 – 2022 In which of the following situations would either of your parents feel it is okay for you to use a weapon (like a knife or gun) to hurt another person?

2016/2017 Total # 2020 Total # 2022 Total #
Response # % Response Total # % Response # %
Never 447 60.1% Never okay 252 52.1% Never okay 46 56.79%
Rarely 96 96 Names or insults 6 12.5% Names or insults 10 12.35%
Sometimes 77 (10.3%) 96 Stole something 7 14.6% Stole something 2 2.47%
Often 66 (8.9%) 96 Bumped, pushed/shoved 4 8.3% Bumped, pushed/shoved 1 1.23%
Almost Always 58 (7.8%) 96 Threw punch or kicked 3 6.3% Threw punch or kicked 3 3.70%
Attacked with weapon 3 6.3% Attacked with weapon 19 23.46%
744 48 48 100% 81 100%



Question: 104 2016/2017 – Have any of your relatives been in prison or jail?

Question: 129a 2020 – Have any of your relatives been in prison or jail?

Question: 123 and 124 2022 – Have any of your relatives been in prison or jail?

2016/2017 Total # 2020 Total # 2022 Total #
Response # % Response # % Response # %

No one has been to prison or jail

Yes 290 39.5% Yes 22 45.8% Yes 36 44.4%
No 445 60.5% No 26 54.2% No 45 55.6%

Mother has been to prison or jail

Yes 82 11.2% Yes 3 6.3% Yes 5 6.2%
No 652 88.8% No 45 93.7% No 76 93.8

Father has been to prison or jail

Yes 169 23.0% Yes 8 16.7% Yes 17 21.0%
No 565 77.0% No 40 83.3% No 64 79.0%

Are any of your relatives currently in prison or jail?

Yes 392 53.5% Yes 29 59.2% Yes 32 39.5%
No 343 46.7% No 20 40.8% No 49 60.5%

Mother currently in prison or jail?

Yes 38 5.2% Yes 2 4.1% Yes 3 3.7%
No 696 94.8% No 47 95.9% No 78 96.3%

Father currently in prison or jail?

Yes 90 12.3% Yes 8 16.3% Yes 9 11.1%
No 644 87.7% No 41 83.7% No 72 88.9%

How much do each of the following statements describe your neighborhood? – Do you feel safe in your neighborhood? 2016/2017

5th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade All Grades
Response # % # % # % # % # %
Yes 45 52.3% 60 35.3% 42 43.8% 85 38.8% 232 40.6%
No 19 22.1% 44 25.9% 31 32.3% 72 32.9% 166 29.1%
Undecided 22 25.6% 66 38.3% 23 24.0% 62 28.3% 173 30.3%
86 100% 170 99.5% 96 100% 219 100% 571 100%